Monday, December 31, 2007

I Got Tagged

A Christmas Tag!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Bags... no tape or sharp cutting implments involved, Safety first, I always say.

2. Real tree or Artificial? Real ... Go out find one, drag it into the house and create major fire hazard. Buy a pre-lite one and in 10 minutes you are good to go. Time is very important at this point in my life. See above re: safety.

3. When do you put up the tree? As soon as my wife makes me.

4. When do you take the tree down? See above,

5. Do you like egg nog? Not since I had to give up the rum!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Microscope, and it has been a curse ever since.

7. Hardest person to buy for? Duh... I'm married!

8. Easiest person to buy for? Me, I know just what I want every time.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail (on Geri's list)

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Plastic (toy) guitar when I was 19 (I'm still pissed about it!)

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.(2nd is Christmas Bloody Eve)

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? As early as June in some cases.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not yet, but considering the yes answers I've seen, it may become a practice in the future.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Turkey and all that other stuff.

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored on the tree and only what Geri makes me do on the outside.

17. Favorite Christmas song? Feliz Navidad (only the Jose Feleciano version)

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel since no one comes to see us. :-(

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Duh! I'm not that old. Check again next year.

20. Angel on the tree top noor a star? The only TRUE topping for a tree is a STAR.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Our gifts at home before we hit the road and whatever pittance we get when we arrive at our kids :-(

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Paying the credit card bill in January.

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Less is more!

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Isn't this really the same as #15. Again, check again next year with this one too.

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Peace and harmony throughout the world (really).
Ski, you just got tagged!!

Sleepless in Seattle

The Senior Struempler's headed to Seattle this Christmas to celebrate Christmas with Gabrielle, Jakob, and Audrey, and those people they live with, Chris and Laura.
The visit started with a surprise for us from all of the kids. In additon to Christmas, Geri and I celeberated our 40th anniversary. The kids arranged for us to stay at the Westin Hotel in downtown (30th floor) and front row (actually 2nd row) center aisle tickets to see the Seattle production of the Nutcracker. They also presented us with a "new" wedding album. Very wonderful evening.
On Christmas Eve day we headed to the mountains for a day of skiing. The weather cooperated and a good time was had by all.
After a great day of skiing it was time for Christmas. No doubt about who would be the first one's up the next morning.
Basically, I think Santa out did himself this year.
And of course, there is always room for the weird gift that Papa asked for.
It's called a Horner Trumpet Call harmonica. Very cool to say the least.

After Christmas came serious sight-seeing, thanks to our very experienced tour guide Laura.

You can't possibley go wrong when there is chocolate involved, and giant hamburgers with huge mugs of rootbeer.Of course, no trip to the Emerald City is complete without a trip to the Pike Street Fish Market!
It was a great trip and a wonderful way to spend our anniversary and Christmas and enjoy the love of all our children and their spouses and our grandchildren, who all came together to make this a very special week for Geri and I.

Here's wishing a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Prize Winning Cake

Last Sunday, November 11, 2007 we had the first annual Cypress Lakes Homeowners Association Fall Festival. As part of the afternoon festivities, they had a cake contest and Geri's famed German Chocholate Cake took second place (should have taken first, but we didn't have the political pull).


You'll have to contact Geri directly for the receipe.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Disney World Trip

My daughter recently gave me a ration for having spent a weekend with our grandchildren (who we love) and those people they live with (who we tolerate) at Disney World and not having adding anything to my blog after a week. Then I check her blog and find out that she has already posted all of my good pictures.

New Everest ride in the animal park. Verey cool!!

Street of NYC... sort of...

A little duplication here.

A great time was had by all.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

TAGGED by my Daughter

I got tagged by my daughter (Rebecca) and I think that this is what I am supposed to do, i.e., answer the same questions she answered.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was living in Riverton, UT enjoying 4 wheeling at Moab during the summer and skiing during the winter. Began a medical treatment that helped me appreciate what was really important in life.

2. What was I doing 5 years ago?
I had just returned from living for the past three years in Tokyo, Japan and was in the process of buying a house in the Dallas area. Little did I realize that in a little over a year I would be relocating again to South Georgia. Very stressful time as I was uncertain as to how my job with the Japanese company would go though I knew inside that the end of that relationship was near. With that said it marked the end of a great adventure living in Tokyo with many wonderful experiences and friends for a lifetime. All and all, not what I expected, but nevertheless a great experience that I am glad I had. No regrets.

3. What was I doing a year ago?
Getting well entrenched in my new position as Director of Operations, and adjusting to Mom's school schedule at Valdosta State University. Staying busy between this job and periodic trips to Mexico and Japan for consulting work. Staying busy but enjoying life.

4. What was I doing yesterday?
Gave a deposition in a case involving a employee who got his arms caught in some industrial equipment resulting in a traumatic amputation of both arms. Very sad. He also tested positive for cocaine in his post-accident drug screen and as such may lose all of his workman's comp benefits. While his cocaine use may have had nothing to do with his accident, it still may have devastating consequences that he never anticipated. You can make choices, but you can't control the consequences. Went to the movies after work (D-Wars - mindless entertainment).

5 places I would rather be:
SCUBA diving anywhere.
Any tropical island laying on the beach
On a sailboat headed anywhere
Skiing in New Zealand
Playing golf in Hawaii
5 snacks that I love:
Smoked oysters sandwich with cheese and onions
Hot buttered popcorn
Anything with goma (sesame seed) dressing on it.
Chocolate covered strawberry Blizzard from DQ
Cadberry Eggs at Easter

What would I do with 100 million dollars...
Quit my job
Buy a brand new Porsche 911 Turbocarrerra Cabriolette
But a 47 yawl (sailboat) and sail the Carribean
Go on a mission
5 Favorite TV Shows
Two and a Half Men
Kid Nation
Lost (Love-Hate relationship)
Desperate Housewives
Boston Legal
5 Favorite Movies
What Dreams May Come
Defending Your Life
Bridges of Madison County
Lawrence of Arabia

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sports Memorabilia

When my Dad passed away a couple of years ago, one of the things that I inherited was an old autographed baseball. I knew that it was signed by members of the Brooklyn Dodgers (this was before they moved to Los Angeles). Other than that, how this ball came into my Dad's posession is unknown to me, I just know that he had it for some time. I have done some research and was able to identify 25 of the signatures on the ball including some noteables such as Jackie Robinson, Pee Wee Reese, Gil Hodges, Preacher Roe, and the manager Leo Durocher. The signatures are from the 1948 Brooklyn Dodgers. That year they were 84-70, finishing 3rd in the National League. They were playing at Ebbets Filed in Brooklyn and were affectionately known as the Brooklyn Bums.
A sports auction house has indicated "An excellent ball that we would love to auction... and in terms of value, I would say somewhere between $800-$1,000 or more.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Can You Say Security in Mexico City?

They had just a little security present for the celebration.

This really is a policeman, complete with horse and sombrero.

Mexico City 2007

September 15 was Declaration of Independence for Mexico and September 16 was Mexican Independence Day. Here are a variety of pictures from the celebration at the central plaza. See if there is anyone you recognize.
Viva Mexico!!

By the way, are these really lawn chairs?

Let's all go to the snack bar!

I have no idea what this is about??