Mom met a new friend at the races. Everyone tells me that I should be worried. Whats Dr. McDreamy got that I don't besides, youth, money and a race car. He actually drives for the Mazda GT racing team.
I guess we all have our fantasy dreams at Daytona.
I would have thought that an hour before the race they would be finished making adjustments to the race car.
It is really hard to beat the 4th of July at the beach. 92 degree air and 72 degree water! Wonderful!!
No trip to Daytona is complete without a trip to the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse (170 feet to the light = 17 stories tall).
Here looking up at you!
Here's looking down. Did I mention that it was 170 feet to the top. That's something just under a mile I believe.
Night time on the beach, waiting for the fireworks to start.
No trip to the ocean is complete without a fishing trip, even if you don't catch any fish.