Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Graduation Day

This past Saturday marked the culmination of a journey that began many, many years ago. This was a journey that had always been in view, but took a back seat to other priorities like raising three wonderful children and taking care of a husband.
On Saturday, May 3rd, 2008 Geri received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Legal Studies from Valdosta State University.
She was joined on this very special day by Rebecca and Cynthia. This was a day that is probably only outweighted by the birth of our children in ranking of special days in the life of Geri.
Not only did she complete the course of study in 4 years, she also graduated Magna Cum Loude. I just graduated "LOUD"!
This was a very proud day for the Struempler family who can now boast of two complete generations which are college graduates.It is rumored that following graduation, like many new graduates, she is planning on back-packing across Europe, staying at hostels, but only if they offer a senior citizen discount.

This is her graduation class.

For those who didn't get to attend her she is "walking". (I apologize for the shaking camera, but that happens with all of the screaming.)

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