Sunday, February 15, 2009

Battle of Olustee

On February 20, 1864 more than 10,000 cavalry, infantry and artilolery troops fought in a pine forest near Ocean Pond in Florida's largest Civil War (War of Northern Agression) battle. The battle ended at dusk when Union troops retreated in defeat and 2,807 men lay dead or wounded. Fourteen months laters the war ended with the surrender of the Confederate Army.

This past weekend we went to Olustee Florida for the 33rd Reenactment of the Battle of Olustee. It was like stepping back 145 years into the past (all the beards are real). Here are some of the scenes:

Union Soldiers
Union Lieutenant:
Union Cannon Casion:
Surgeon General of the Confederacy:
Southern Belles:
A Gentleman of Color:
Field Medicine:
Confederate Cannon Team:
Banjo Boy (and boy could he play!)
It was about history!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Herding Cats

I have a new job in the Church that is best described as trying to herd cats; that is trying to herd wet cats; that is trying to herd wet cats with their tails on fire. I am now the Webelos Den Leader. It has been 24 years since I was involved with Chris in Scouts, and for some reason someone thought this would be a good idea.
Doesn't everyone love a man in uniform?!!

Here are some of the "wet cats" I get to herd.
Our first challenge for the year was the Cubmobile race at the end of the month. No previously assembled car could be found, though everyone swore we had one, so we started from scratch. Over the next 3 weeks a new one was constructed.
I found it best to limit the boys to sanding and very controled painting.

A few coats of paint and we were ready for the races. I was hoping that the little one might get some inspiration from being parked next to Beautee.
Race day came and we were ready to go.
While we looked really good, we learned that it is all in the wheels. We had lawn mower wheels, but the key is wheel chair wheels. The car below was last years winner. Note the wheels.
We'll be ready next year.
I have already discovered that you can take two Webelos Scouts, place them in a padded room with nothing in there but pillows; leave them alone for 5 minutes and when you return they will have found two sharp sticks and will be sword fighting with them.