Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Becca's Disney Birthday

It was that time of year again when the people from Texas migrate to Florida for the Festival of Becca.
With them came those they have been given charge over. It was best to keep them caged.
Of course no celebration would be complete without Mickey.
Papa and Grandma alway enjoy the younger crowd.
The boys are always good for some crazy fun.
Of course we had to have Donald...

And Pluto.Looks like Reagan found a friend with good taste in Disney outfits.I couldn't resist the photo-op with Minney.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Daytona Beach 4th of July 2009

Honduras Trip

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Black Widow

I am playing a little catch-up with my blog but this past April we had out annual Pinewood Derby. Now I aqlways believe in going with a winner and so with the announcement of the race schedule I pulled in a ringer.
I knew of a car created by a very good team in engineers that was a guaranteed winner. The car came out of the Samamish, Washington area from the firm of "Struempler and Father", with a history of being a two-time winning team. The request was made and the car arrived, complete with its tungston weighting system. Needless to say, the number 88 car, The Black Widow, took first place in the "fully-legal" class of Pinewood Derby cars. It was outdone by a non-sanctioned rocket powered car.
Big thanks to Jakob and Chris for the loan of the car. It is now a winning car from coast to coast.

The Ring

About a month ago, as I was allowing my brain to be numbed by some mindless comedy on TV the telephone range. The caller ID popped up on the screen and identified the caller as Willard Ellis, cousin in northeastern Colorado. I immediately imagined the worst in the form of a telephone call from my cousin, but was I ever wrong.

As I answered the call, Willard asked a couple of interesting questions and then rolled out a tale regarding a recent telephone call that he had received.

He asked me first, “Who is Marty?” He of course knew the name Martin Struempler, our grandfather, but also knew that he never went by Marty.

“Is that Delvin?” he inquired. He of course was referring to my older brother Delvin Martin Struempler. I told him that this was Delvin, and while all of us knew him only as Delvin as we were growing up, I also knew that when he joined the Air Force after high school that he started going by Marty.

Delvin was an old German family name that was shared by him and our father Elmer Delvin Struempler. I guess that after he graduated from high school and left home that he had had enough of the weird German name and started using his middle name. All of his Air Force contacts knew him as Marty.

Willard then began telling me about a telephone call that he had received regarding a woman trying to track down a member of Marty’s family in order to return a family ring. Forty years ago, while Delvin (Marty) was stationed at Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska, he met and feel in love with a girl named Bonnie Rogers. They had dated off and on for several months, and at some point Delvin gave her a “promise” ring. He had told her that this ring was one that had been given to him by his mother, and had been given to her by her mother. Bonnie had for many years been trying to return the ring to the family since it was clearly a family heirloom.

This information all came as a surprise to me. I knew nothing of the girl friend, or the ring. Willard gave me contact number for Bonnie and so I placed the call. I had no idea what the story would turn out to be.

I called Bonnie and identified myself as Richard Struempler, Delvin or Marty’s younger brother. Bonnie then began the tale of her and Marty.

It is worth noting at this point that Delvin Martin Struempler was killed in a car wreck early on a Sunday morning, in August, 1969, 40 years ago.

Bonnie told me that she had met Marty while he was stationed there in the Air Force. She said that it was love at first sight. They dated for several months and then were apart for a short period, but had gotten back together. That was when he gave her the “promise” ring that had originally belonged to our grandmother.
She told me about the last night that they spent together, how they had gone out for the evening and ended up back at his apartment listening to music, lying in his arms. She described watching these light boxes that flashed in rhythm to the music.

“Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed at this information, “You mean the psychedelic lights that he had?” I had inherited his stereo equipment and included with the speakers where these two light boxes that attached to each speaker. The lights flashed on and off with the music. I knew for sure that she knew my brother.

She described by brother as a real gentleman; kind and considerate and thoughtful. As his brother, I never saw that side of him, but I guess believe that it was there, just never shared with his kid-brother.

Knowing that Marty had an early flight that next morning, Bonnie left and went home. Later that morning Bonnie called the apartment to check with Marty’s roommate to make sure he made his fight.

“He’s dead!” was the short message that she received from the roommate. “Call the Sheriff’s Department; he was killed this morning in a car accident.” That was August 1969.

After his death, she was unable to connect with any of Marty’s family, and since she was not related, the Air Force could not share any contact information. She told me then that she has always loved my brother and that even after forty years that the love was still there.

She then told me about the ring. He had given it to her as a “promise” ring, but knowing that it was a family heirloom always felt that it needed to be returned to the family. The problem she faced over the previous 40 years was trying to locate a member of the family. She kept it in a safety deposit box and never wore it.

She finally came across an obituary for Martin Struempler, my grandfather, and in it, the children were listed, plus a note that “He was preceded in death by a grandson, Delvin Martin Struempler.” She knew that this was the right connection. The obituary listed a son, Willard Ellis, my uncle, living in Holyoke, Colorado. She called Directory Assistance and found a listing for Willard Ellis and called that number. What she didn’t realize was the Willard she was looking for has passed away several years prior, but my cousin of the same name, still lived there. That was how the connection was made.

The only thing that she asked for was a picture of Marty. They had never taken any pictures and so all she had were those in her memory. I quickly provided her with several photos including the last ones ever taken of Marty over the July 4th weekend in Amherst, Colorado, while I was visiting with him and our grandparents. Little did I realize at the time that while the intent of the visit was to see our grandfather who was in failing health, that this would be the last time I would see my brother, at least on this side of the veil.

I few days ago a package arrived in the mail. The ring was home.

I had very mixed feelings about this whole course of events. With the telephone call came a whole flood of memories back from 40 years. Things that while I would think about on occasion, were now very sharp and clear again. Melancholy is probably the best words to describe my feelings for several days. There was a feeling of comfort discovering that before my brother died, that he had found someone that he cared about very much and that shared that love for him. Somehow it made me feel a little better about his early passing, that he had found love in his life.

I will always be grateful to the persistence of the love that Bonnie had for him and her continuing efforts to connect with his family. I know of very few people in the world who would strive for 40 years to do the right thing. For the love that she had for my brother and for the character that she possesses to do the right thing, I will always be grateful.

A miracle was once defined as the right thing happening when it needs to happen, and this clearly falls into that category of being one of life’s miracles.

God bless you Bonnie.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Flood of '09

This past Saturday was supposed to be a spring day of yard work in the morning and enjoying General Conference on TV in the afternoon. Over the past three days we have had more than 15 inches of rain, but our house sits up on the side of a hill and it is probably a total of 30 foot drop to the lake that we face. The other good thing is that the drainage for the lake is on the other side, so it drains away from us into a large bottom land area. Flooding was not something we were concerned about. Maybe tornados (several warnings and watches over the past several days), but not flooding.

Unfortuantely other areas and homes in the county were not so fortunate. The first call came around 8:30 AM that a home of a church member was in danger of flooding. As we arrived a little after 9 AM, the water was about two inches below the door way, but rising. We began to empty out the house and sandbag the entrances, but the sandbagging was to no avail. By 3 PM that afternoon there was three inches of water in the house and it was still rising. By Sunday, the water was up to the window sills.

At least we were able to get the furniture and other possession out of the house for they were ruined. The flooding continued to creep into homes on the block, like dominos falling in slow motion and nothing really can be done but wait for the river to crest and start receeding.

Very sad to watch, as most did not have flood insurance because they were "NOT IN THE FLOOD PLAIN". Life-long residents of the area have said that while they have had some flooding, they have never seen anything like this.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to these less fortunate, and now we look for ways to help them rebuild.

So far we have not seen the Red Cross, FEMA, National Guard, etc., but then this isn't New Orleans. It has just been friends and neigbors helping friends and neighbors.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles

What can be more fun than Webelos Scouts and "SUPER BUBBLES"?!!
Besides the necessary hot air, it is important to have the right mixture of bubble soap.
The "magic" formula is 20 parts distilled water (not tap water, it won't do as well), 4 parts Dawn or Joy liquid soap (don't get the fancy soap, just the plain dish soap), and the real secret ingrediant, 1 part glycerine.
It makes small sturdy bubbles or longer more fragile ones.
You can even make double bubbles! We tried adjusting the formula and it seemed that adding a little more glycerine helped. I've been told that instead of glycerine, you can use white Karo syrup, it is just a little messier when the bubble pops.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Building Bridges

This past Wednesday was my chance again to herd cats. It was Webelos night and tonights activity was to see if the Webelos could build a bridge using mini-marshmellows and toothpicks.
As you can see they got into it with great enthusiasm, especially when I told them that they did't have to use all of the marshmellows in construction. They found other uses for the marshmellows besides the obvious eating.
The completed project was able to span two stacks of books, and took only about 30 minutes to complete.
The final step was to share with the Cubs what they had learned about bridge building, including the part about being able to eat the building materials.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Battle of Olustee

On February 20, 1864 more than 10,000 cavalry, infantry and artilolery troops fought in a pine forest near Ocean Pond in Florida's largest Civil War (War of Northern Agression) battle. The battle ended at dusk when Union troops retreated in defeat and 2,807 men lay dead or wounded. Fourteen months laters the war ended with the surrender of the Confederate Army.

This past weekend we went to Olustee Florida for the 33rd Reenactment of the Battle of Olustee. It was like stepping back 145 years into the past (all the beards are real). Here are some of the scenes:

Union Soldiers
Union Lieutenant:
Union Cannon Casion:
Surgeon General of the Confederacy:
Southern Belles:
A Gentleman of Color:
Field Medicine:
Confederate Cannon Team:
Banjo Boy (and boy could he play!)
It was about history!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Herding Cats

I have a new job in the Church that is best described as trying to herd cats; that is trying to herd wet cats; that is trying to herd wet cats with their tails on fire. I am now the Webelos Den Leader. It has been 24 years since I was involved with Chris in Scouts, and for some reason someone thought this would be a good idea.
Doesn't everyone love a man in uniform?!!

Here are some of the "wet cats" I get to herd.
Our first challenge for the year was the Cubmobile race at the end of the month. No previously assembled car could be found, though everyone swore we had one, so we started from scratch. Over the next 3 weeks a new one was constructed.
I found it best to limit the boys to sanding and very controled painting.

A few coats of paint and we were ready for the races. I was hoping that the little one might get some inspiration from being parked next to Beautee.
Race day came and we were ready to go.
While we looked really good, we learned that it is all in the wheels. We had lawn mower wheels, but the key is wheel chair wheels. The car below was last years winner. Note the wheels.
We'll be ready next year.
I have already discovered that you can take two Webelos Scouts, place them in a padded room with nothing in there but pillows; leave them alone for 5 minutes and when you return they will have found two sharp sticks and will be sword fighting with them.